I can handle homesickess very well, but of course I do miss a few things.
I was going over some pics I was transferring from the last blog and stumbled upon one I took with my phone a few months back with my cat. Ok--so he isn't really my cat, he is my parents cat, but I really dig that fat, purring ball of hair. He's really old (17-18yrs now?) and although he seems healthy when I left I do worry that he won't last my whole time of service.

I hear that it has gotten really cold and snowy back home in Chicagoland. I hear reports from some that it drops to -4F and that a recent snowstorm was to dump 8" of snow. While I don't miss digging my car out of a frozen wonderland, I do miss the chilly reminder of the seasonal change. Swatting a mosquito or wearing a tank top outside in December plays with my head. Perhaps many of you are thinking I'd be a fool to want to be back home right about now, but no worries. I'm content here and if you ever want to get away for a bit you know where to find me. ^_^
Tofu...yummy block of vegetarian goodness. It is available here, but its rather expensive on our budget. However, I have found a delicious alternative--chunks.
There are many more things I could list, but this looks good for the moment.
Moment, funny word. How long really is that; is it the same thing as now? Could it be that by the time you finish saying the word that it has already become the past?
Most of the time when I ask someone how they are doing, they reply good for now or good for the moment and never just good. Perhaps things here are viewed simply in the moment, the moment being all there is at that instance in time and not as a piece of the greater duration.
lol....enough of that for the moment.
Stay happy and well
ciao tutti
~your local wannabe jedi
Moment... I have found myself wondering the same thing from time to time. How long is this moment supposed to last? We may never know my friend, never know!
Good luck on your parent meeting thing you are setting up!
I wanted you to know we finally got the care package sent out to you. I was told it would take 2-3 weeks to reach you. It was sent on 24 DEC. We are doing well, have had quit a bit of snow,cold weather just the usual wintertime fun. I was able to use paid time off for the last 2 weeks of the year, Go back to work on the 5th. Dew Kitty is still hanging in, but I will be really shocked if he is still with us by the time you get back.more later~Roni
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